You see a bright, perky kid, energetically helping his mama. "Sir, I don't sees how ah kin ever repay yore KAHNDNESS." "Sammy, th' son o' Mama Mabel. Thas whut they calls me." "When ahm not helpin' my ma, ahm usually runnin' errands fer King Eldor." The kid looks thoughtful for a moment... "Maybe it mights help yo if I relates some o' th' STUFF ah bin hearin' when runnin' mah errands." "Well like maybe th' story o' th' LOST island." "Legend says there be a tiny lost island jes off McRin, eastwards. It's gots a buildin' there with no doors, plus the coast is so small, a ship cain't lands there, plus there hain't no plaza plates in it. Well, I KNOWS somethin'." "Ah think Ah knows a way whut someone kin get IN there. The legends sez no one ain't nevah gots IN." "Ah heared a story when Ah was jes a baby 'bout a great master who once came to the land, in the days when there was trouble with the CYCLOPS." "The land were bein' invaded by many o' them. The massa knew there be somethin' in the lost island which could HELP him to save th' land." "So he goes on many quests, until finally all th' people united together and cast a spell o' KNOWING on him. Took many people workin' together to cast it." "Then suddenly, he knowed how to get in...he found somethin' AMAZING there..." "Nobody knows what it was. But they sez the massa performed a RITUAL in there." "It learned him how to stop all the monsters, and get back home..." The boy becomes silent, lost in the enchantment of his story." "Please come visit anytahm, Granmassa. My ma will keep a fresh supply o' food fer ya here."